
About us, The King Brothers

1DayLater was founded by David and Paul King, two brothers from Newcastle, the company is a privately funded startup with great connections to the North-East digital sector. Our goal is to create simple solutions to problems common to businesses of any size - from freelancers to companies employing hundreds of people.

David King

Director, CTO, Coder

100-miles-a-minute. Caffeine, programming and an idea every second. Addicted to learning by his own proclamation - all things 'virtual'

######### Lvl 9 - Programmer
#######__ Lvl 7 - Designer
####_____ Lvl 4 - Blogger
##_______ Lvl 2 - Public Speaker
_________ Lvl 0 - Finance
###______ Lvl 3 - Hype
#________ Lvl 1 - Sales

Paul King

Director, CFO, Networker

Well-grounded. Interacting with people, writing, networking and finances. Paul keeps things moving smoothly - all things 'real'

_________ Lvl 0 - Programmer
##_______ Lvl 2 - Designer
#######__ Lvl 7 - Blogger
_________ Lvl 0 - Public Speaker
########_ Lvl 8 - Finance
#######__ Lvl 7 - Hype
###______ Lvl 3 - Sales
our activity our blog

Contributing mentors

These are the people that have not only advised, but also contributed directly to the development of 1DayLater

Morten Fangel

Security and OAuth

A brilliant programmer from Denmark, Morten helped us implement the latest OAuth security system for our API

Ronnie Atkinson

Branding and design

Ronnie applied his design experience into the design and layout of the 1DayLater service to create a professional look

Dan Hurst

Voiceover superstar

A talented radio persona from The States, Dan adds a classy edge to our introductions and informative animations

Antony Hall

Legal & corporate advice

Ant is an experienced lawyer from Mincoffs Solicitors LLP and has contributed extensively to our legal requirements

Contributing companies

We work continuously with the following companies to help keep 1DayLater growing and functioning

Twisted Studio

App development

The Twisted Studios are in charge of developing the 1DayLater phone and desktop apps, an incredibly talented and diligent team


Subscription billing

The Recurly service helps us offer top-quality subscription billing while offerring ease-of-use and security to our users

Bond Solutions

Sage integration

As a leading supplier of Sage software, Bond use the simplicity of 1DayLater to enhance an already powerful suite of applications

Codeworks Dev

App development

We work with the Codeworks "Dev" team to create enterprise level 1DayLater applications for the public and private sector

Advising mentors

It's the people that make the difference, those that advise in the development of 1DayLater...

Peter Hiscocks

Gives us first-class training on becoming a low-risk, high-growth tech startup

Jonathan Gold

All things finance, from the basics of running a business to raising capital

Mark Hill

Constantly challenges our ideas and gives valuable insights into modern technology

Loday Gonpo

Our go-to for advice on visualisations and graphics

David Coxon

Provides critical feedback to the service, David is an ideas machine

Miguel Vennie

Relentless feedback and use-testing from a very early stage in our development

Trish Brady

Coaches us on the art of productivity and effectiveness in the workplace

David Morton

Hands on, practical advice about creating and running a business

Tracy Suddick

Solid advice on growing the company and finding the right people